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Friday, February 18, 2011

Posing Already

Gotta love a great pair of pajamas and a little girl already so willing to ham it up for the camera...This is one of only a handful of outfits I've bought her so far!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Sophie's eyes amaze me. They are so dark, so rich, I just had to document them in case they change...My grandfather's were the exact opposite, an ice blue so incredibly light and piercing. I don't know if they were always that light, his earlier photos are black and white...he would've loved this little girl :(

Monday, February 7, 2011

Daddy and The Little Gym

So here is a test image from the rental lens, the Canon 85mm 1.2 for you techies out there. I don't have a lens like this at this point because most of my work has been architectural in nature and I need wider angles and deeper depths of field. I love the how nicely the background blurs out, this was shot at f2.8 so I still had some play with the lens, the focus was speedy and spot on, but the prime (the fact that it isn't a 'zoom' lens) bothered me personally. I think I'll be trying out the 70-200 2.8 before I make any purchases.

On to the cute factor...we LOVE The Little Gym! I did a trial class there and sent Bob to a trial class at another gym in our area before we signed a membership. Bob came home talking about how the parents just stood around talking the whole time holding their babies. Not here! It is all about the children, though the parents do talk and become friends of course. We have Sophie doing forward rolls and walking on a balance beam, and she loves seeing all the other babies. Daddy came this time and Sophie loved spending the time with him. I got some great shots for the photo album, but I was kinda jealous that they were having such a good time without me :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glow Worm Love

Just squeezed this post into the one a week goal! Staying on track is difficult with a baby, especially when you're already attention challenged :) but it is so worth it. This blog is not only helping me flaunt my amazing talent (kidding here if you couldn't tell) but it also forces me to spend some time creatively documenting Sophie's childhood. My grandfather died while I was pregnant with Sophie and right now my father is going through and scanning box after box of old photographs. He keeps sending photos of himself as a baby to compare to Sophie, trying to take all the credit for my beautiful creature! There truly is something magical about looking through old photographs, almost like you're traveling back in time for just a second. OK, enough mushy sentiment for now...on to the next shot...